Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Renaissance and Religion

Chapter by chapter list Background Information The reminder Bibliography Footnotes Background Information The renaissance is an exceptionally intriguing period with regards to the historical backdrop of mankind. It is a period which has been related with numerous disclosures and changes in the life of humankind. To have an away from of the essentialness of the renaissance it is smarter to somewhat analyze the lifestyle not long before 1400.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on The Renaissance and Religion explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Before 1400 and really the early piece of 1400, the Roman Catholic Church impacted the general public. The congregation was incomparable inside and out and instructed unmatched expert on both strict issues and legislative issues. The pope used enormous effect on political pioneers and lords in like manner. What was conveyed from the pope was last paying little mind to who the subject was.[1] The Catholic Church wa s the main church on the planet and its branches were in numerous nations. It is additionally significant that the congregation was the wealthiest association and this riches was procured by implies which were later seen as inadmissible. Installment for administrations rendered by the congregation was visit really there was not a solitary action that the cleric would direct with no installment being done climate it was a memorial service, sanctification or some other. Selling of guilty pleasure and a few bits of craftsmanship speaking to holy people was a typical practice. This sounds ludicrous and this is the place the Renaissance man comes in. The congregation had utilized some odd way of thinking to tame the thinking about the general public to see the pope and the congregation as a rule as supernaturally better than them and that the pope had the ability to decide if an individual could get to paradise or not. With this nature of reasoning individuals were exposed to an unbendin g lifestyle where everything began from and finished with the church.[2] The reminder The Renaissance time frame can be said to have blended individuals to wake from a rest they were in. The renaissance time frame was when humanism just because was experienced. It must be brought up that renaissance was extremely common yet not really malevolent thusly. It has additionally been brought up that the renaissance debilitated the impact of the congregation however assisted with spreading it further; the roman church was debilitated as renewals separated all the over Europe. The renaissance was a challenge to reason and question issues about existence †the congregation was examined concerning a portion of its practices and it was found wanting.[3] According to Kreis (2008), â€Å"the come back to support of the agnostic works of art animated the way of thinking of secularism, the energy about common joys, or more totally heightened the statement of individual autonomy and individual expression.†[4]Advertising Looking for article on history? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is recorded that man began to welcome the joys of this world and less relied upon extraordinary instructing from the congregation. This period has regularly been depicted as the â€Å"germinal time of modernism†[5] with the Renaissance man being said to have â€Å"stood at a point halfway between medieval supernaturalism and the advanced logical and basic attitude.†[6] The renaissance got extraordinary shocks to mankind as thinking and suspecting was put to test delivering incredible works in the fields of â€Å"art, writing, investigation, arithmetic, science and religion.†[7] People had the option to think freely testing new ways and thoughts which began from their psyches and not from the congregation. A portion of the accomplishments of this period are as yet an incredible motivation today for example t he incomparable Mona Lisa was a work of art of this period. The renaissance acquired mainstream thought to individuals assisting with diminishing the impact that the congregation had on their lives. List of sources Kreis, Steven. â€Å"Lectures on Modern Europe Intellectual History.† The History Guide, 2008. Recovered from: http://www.historyguide.org/keenness/humanism.html .Renaissance. â€Å"The Renaissance and the Church.† All About Renaissance Faires, n.d. Recovered from: http://www.all-about-renaissance-faires.com/renaissance_info/catholic_church_in_the_renaissance.htm . Think. â€Å"Religion.† Oracle Think Quest, 2010. Recovered from: http://library.thinkquest.org/C006522/religion/overview.php . References Renaissance, The Renaissance and the Church, (All About Renaissance Faires, n.d.) http://www.all-about-renaissance-faires.com/renaissance_info/catholic_church_in_the_renaissance.htm . Think, Religion, (Oracle Think Quest, 2010) http://library.thinkquest. org/C006522/religion/overview.php . This announcement alludes to the renowned reorganizations which occurred all over Europe for example the endeavors of Martin Luther the reformist helped a ton to show that the congregation was deceiving the assembly. Kreis, Steven, Lectures on Modern Europe Intellectual History, (The History Guide, 2008). http://www.historyguide.org/acumen/humanism.html . Kreis, Steven, Lectures on Modern Europe Intellectual History, (The History Guide, 2008). http://www.historyguide.org/acumen/humanism.html . Kreis, Steven, Lectures on Modern Europe Intellectual History, (The History Guide, 2008). http://www.historyguide.org/acumen/humanism.html . Think, Religion, (Oracle Think Quest, 2010) http://library.thinkquest.org/C006522/religion/overview.php . This paper on The Renaissance and Religion was composed and put together by client Lara Lane to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for exploration and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; in any case, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Decisions in Paradise III Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Choices in Paradise III - Essay Example With paper or Third Estate being a key piece of ideal majority rule government, the individuals and significantly capable government could invite it. Variables influencing the choice As talked about for the situation, there are sure inner just as outer natural elements, which could hinder CBTL’s plan of propelling the new business. At the point when one spotlights on the outside factor, the primary issue is the ruinous and conflicting climate design in Kava. Kava being in the â€Å"danger zone† of numerous catastrophic events including seismic tremors, tornadoes, volcanic emissions, and so on, any business activity of CBTL in Kava needs to confront its repercussions. These common wonders have the ability to totally pulverize the paper office and its system, if the power is more prominent or significantly closer to the paper foundation. In spite of the fact that, CBTL can innovatively protect its foundation and system, it can't be completely trusted, until it successfull y faces and endures a catastrophe. That is, there will be incredulity in regards to how CBTL can ensure its foundation, making questions even among the upper administration and partners of the CBTL. This could prompt hindering of accounts for the venture, in this manner making the paper arrangement ineffective. Moreover, the upper administration could raise incredulity about the remaking costs, which might be acquired on the CBTL, if the innovative shielding doesn't turn out to be well and the framework gets devastated. Along these lines, the arrangement principally centers around building a solid and debacle confirmation foundation for the paper office and its system, in any event, working at a more secure area. Assets and activities required Natural marvel could wreck CBTL’s marketable strategies and could even lessen any odds of it building up a hold in Kava. In this manner, all the common and even man-made elements, which could obliterate or even block the paper plan must be settled through specific measures. As a major aspect of these plans, the paper office including its system must be situated in a safe and made sure about area inside the islands. Albeit, the vast majority of Kava is fiasco inclined, areas with negligible danger level can be chosen after acceptable investigation of the geology and critically subsequent to examining past frequencies of cataclysmic events. Subsequent to finding a protected area, CBTL can put all its mechanical assets to manufacture a more grounded and viable framework, which will have the option to withstand a large portion of the characteristic marvel. To additionally make its interest in the framework secure, CBTL can go for protection spread. With the protection plot, CBTL can be monetarily secured on account of debacles, and could do the remaking with that choice. What's more, to additionally reinforce its business and furthermore to satisfy CSR, CBTL can enroll nearby individuals for occupations in the paper o ffice. Qualified and prepared representatives can give great business choice to CTBL. Moral viewpoints An absence of business morals with respect to associations and corporate pioneers can contribute sizably to the destruction of the association (Adadevoh, n. d). When CTBL does different strides to tackle the dangers to its paper plan, it could likewise prompt some moral issues. As referenced above, as a component of CSR and furthermore to tap great ability, CTBL can enlist nearby individuals for its paper tasks. Be that as it may, with HIV having rate in Kava and with the focused on populace of youth being the principle victims, there might be moral quandaries on

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Never Miss A Deadline with MindMeister and MeisterTask (Success Story) - Focus

Never Miss A Deadline with MindMeister and MeisterTask (Success Story) - Focus When running a start-up with a fully distributed team, founders are often faced with a dilemma. How do you ensure that your distributed team remains creative and collaborative while meeting every deadline? In this success story, we hear from software startup BigBangThemes about how they’ve established workflows to achieve efficient, distributed teamwork. Using MindMeister to prevent siphoning within their team and MeisterTask to never miss a deadline, the team deliver great projects together, on schedule. Founding a Fully Distributed Startup BigBangThemes is a software startup that builds and sells attractive web templates. We had the pleasure of hearing from BigBangThemes’ Founders, Andy and Alex Marin, about how they manage their small but growing team to deliver quality products. The team aims to boost client earning potential by designing and creating products such as drag and drop email builder tools, and WordPress themes for client websites. However, with a distributed workforce, they’ve come up against some team management challenges: “We’re a 100% distributed team of 9, meaning absolutely everyone works from home,” Founder, Alex, explains. “This is where the need for a really good task management tool was absolutely vital for us. Working remotely comes with a huge set of challenges that we needed to figure out before achieving productive work.” As a result, the team began looking for a planning tool that would help them to create a collaborative company strategy. Additionally, they sought  a task management solution that would help align all deadlines and enable teamwork, even when working from different home offices. Aligning Business Priorities via a Strategy Mind Map A couple of years ago, the team realized the business was beginning to struggle as their distributed team lacked a clear company vision. As a result, the team began searching for a project management solution that would help them to identify clear deadlines and prioritize work: We simply couldn’t find what was going wrong and causing constant deadline delays. We also found that there was a “wall” restricting profit-making.Alex, BigBangThemes Founder The team searched for a tool that would enable them to map out all areas of their business and workflows. The aim was to understand where inefficiencies were occurring and where perhaps further investment was needed. For this, the team used  MindMeister to create a detailed business strategy mind map, shared with all team members online: “Thankfully, we were able to use MindMeister to clearly outline every aspect of our business and the way it’s interconnected with others,” Alex shared. “This helped us to realize that we were simply not focusing enough resources on the most important elements in our business. When running a startup with limited personnel, it’s sometimes hard to focus on going in the same direction. You tend to shift left or shift right following ideas or profits, but this is definitely detrimental in the long term.” Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Business Strategy on MindMeister. The mind map has provided the company with a clear vision and a refined business strategy. By including all important business information, it can also act as a knowledge map, to support remote team members with questions or onboard new staff. Mind map your company strategy Sign-up for MindMeister Its free! Sign-up for MindMeister Putting Strategy into Action with MeisterTask Once the team’s priorities and inefficiencies were clear, the BigBangThemes’ Founders were able to move forward and establish a new workflow. The main aim was to  manage all projects in one place while ensuring that teams weren’t under-resourced or over-loaded. For this, the team uses MeisterTask: MeisterTask is a fabulous tool that we use every day. It holds our team together,  helping the Project Manager keep tabs on team productivity, driving us forward.Alex, BigBangThemes Founder For a company that’s working in so many different micro niches, it was extremely important for us to find a task management tool where we can clearly separate projects and create different tasks within those projects, Alex explained. Between that and the ability to integrate our Slack app to simplify communication even further, MeisterTask was simply a perfect match.” By using the MeisterTask integration with BigBangTheme’s main internal communication tool, Slack, the team is able to stay up-to-date with all  project and task progress, both via the automated updates in Slack and by monitoring the transparent Project Boards. Transparent Project Boards for Distributed Working To ensure all team members remain in the loop with project progression, BigBangThemes run monthly sprints and check-ins for task completion via their shared MeisterTask project boards. Within their sprint project boards, it’s mandatory that team members include all tasks that are coming up, in progress and complete. This provides Alex and the rest of the team with a quick, visual overview of how projects  are progressing, despite being distributed. Similarly, when tasks move from one stage to the next, the next team will be notified, either via the task being reassigned to the next team member or via the Slack integration. “Our projects are mostly labor-intensive and include several departments. This is the reason why having everything under the same roof is mandatory. With our shared project boards, the designers can see exactly what the developers need, making the QA process seamless.” Manage projects all in one place. Sign-up for MeisterTask Its free! Sign-up for MeisterTask A Home for New Ideas In an ordinary office setting, ideas and creative thoughts would usually be shared across desks or in meetings. To ensure these thoughts aren’t lost, despite not being located in one office, the BigBangThemes team create sections within their MeisterTask boards, specifically for ideation: One of my favorite customized sections on our shared project board is titled “Building the future”. In this section, everybody can add their ideas for certain features, products, or functionalities that should be added but arent yet planned.Alex, BigBangThemes Founder Integrating Client Feedback Throughout The Project Within their “Building the future” project section, the team also compile ideas and feedback from their clients, for the team to incorporate into future updates. In order to ensure all client feedback will be considered within their monthly sprints, the BigBangThemes team use the Zendesk integration for MeisterTask.   Via the integration, all feedback is sent directly to the relevant MeisterTask project board. The tickets are then created as tasks for consideration, meaning no client input will be lost or forgotten. The Outcome: Deadlines and Valuable Ideas are Never Missed Alex shares that using MindMeister and MeisterTask to refine strategy and plans, and then turn these ideas into action, has made a big impact on the organization of their distributed team: I can definitely tell you that since integrating MeisterTask into our workflow, we’ve never missed a deadline and have also massively improved our products.Alex, BigBangThemes Founder It’s just so extremely easy to log an idea and discuss it later,” Alex explains. “This way you avoid forgetting to add these small but very useful features to your project while ensuring that  all product deadlines are met.” At MeisterLabs, we’re always excited to hear about the positive impact that  MindMeister  and  MeisterTask  are having on businesses. For more information on the work of BigBangThemes, visit their website. If you have a story to share about the impact that MindMeister and MeisterTask have had on your business, we’d love to hear from you! To get in touch about being featured in a success story on our blog, drop Olivia an email at  olivia (at) meisterlabs (dot) com Save 30% on MindMeister MeisterTask Pro Get the MeisterBundle 30% off Get the MeisterBundle Never Miss A Deadline with MindMeister and MeisterTask (Success Story) - Focus When running a start-up with a fully distributed team, founders are often faced with a dilemma. How do you ensure that your distributed team remains creative and collaborative while meeting every deadline? In this success story, we hear from software startup BigBangThemes about how they’ve established workflows to achieve efficient, distributed teamwork. Using MindMeister to prevent siphoning within their team and MeisterTask to never miss a deadline, the team deliver great projects together, on schedule. Founding a Fully Distributed Startup BigBangThemes is a software startup that builds and sells attractive web templates. We had the pleasure of hearing from BigBangThemes’ Founders, Andy and Alex Marin, about how they manage their small but growing team to deliver quality products. The team aims to boost client earning potential by designing and creating products such as drag and drop email builder tools, and WordPress themes for client websites. However, with a distributed workforce, they’ve come up against some team management challenges: “We’re a 100% distributed team of 9, meaning absolutely everyone works from home,” Founder, Alex, explains. “This is where the need for a really good task management tool was absolutely vital for us. Working remotely comes with a huge set of challenges that we needed to figure out before achieving productive work.” As a result, the team began looking for a planning tool that would help them to create a collaborative company strategy. Additionally, they sought  a task management solution that would help align all deadlines and enable teamwork, even when working from different home offices. Aligning Business Priorities via a Strategy Mind Map A couple of years ago, the team realized the business was beginning to struggle as their distributed team lacked a clear company vision. As a result, the team began searching for a project management solution that would help them to identify clear deadlines and prioritize work: We simply couldn’t find what was going wrong and causing constant deadline delays. We also found that there was a “wall” restricting profit-making.Alex, BigBangThemes Founder The team searched for a tool that would enable them to map out all areas of their business and workflows. The aim was to understand where inefficiencies were occurring and where perhaps further investment was needed. For this, the team used  MindMeister to create a detailed business strategy mind map, shared with all team members online: “Thankfully, we were able to use MindMeister to clearly outline every aspect of our business and the way it’s interconnected with others,” Alex shared. “This helped us to realize that we were simply not focusing enough resources on the most important elements in our business. When running a startup with limited personnel, it’s sometimes hard to focus on going in the same direction. You tend to shift left or shift right following ideas or profits, but this is definitely detrimental in the long term.” Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Business Strategy on MindMeister. The mind map has provided the company with a clear vision and a refined business strategy. By including all important business information, it can also act as a knowledge map, to support remote team members with questions or onboard new staff. Mind map your company strategy Sign-up for MindMeister Its free! Sign-up for MindMeister Putting Strategy into Action with MeisterTask Once the team’s priorities and inefficiencies were clear, the BigBangThemes’ Founders were able to move forward and establish a new workflow. The main aim was to  manage all projects in one place while ensuring that teams weren’t under-resourced or over-loaded. For this, the team uses MeisterTask: MeisterTask is a fabulous tool that we use every day. It holds our team together,  helping the Project Manager keep tabs on team productivity, driving us forward.Alex, BigBangThemes Founder For a company that’s working in so many different micro niches, it was extremely important for us to find a task management tool where we can clearly separate projects and create different tasks within those projects, Alex explained. Between that and the ability to integrate our Slack app to simplify communication even further, MeisterTask was simply a perfect match.” By using the MeisterTask integration with BigBangTheme’s main internal communication tool, Slack, the team is able to stay up-to-date with all  project and task progress, both via the automated updates in Slack and by monitoring the transparent Project Boards. Transparent Project Boards for Distributed Working To ensure all team members remain in the loop with project progression, BigBangThemes run monthly sprints and check-ins for task completion via their shared MeisterTask project boards. Within their sprint project boards, it’s mandatory that team members include all tasks that are coming up, in progress and complete. This provides Alex and the rest of the team with a quick, visual overview of how projects  are progressing, despite being distributed. Similarly, when tasks move from one stage to the next, the next team will be notified, either via the task being reassigned to the next team member or via the Slack integration. “Our projects are mostly labor-intensive and include several departments. This is the reason why having everything under the same roof is mandatory. With our shared project boards, the designers can see exactly what the developers need, making the QA process seamless.” Manage projects all in one place. Sign-up for MeisterTask Its free! Sign-up for MeisterTask A Home for New Ideas In an ordinary office setting, ideas and creative thoughts would usually be shared across desks or in meetings. To ensure these thoughts aren’t lost, despite not being located in one office, the BigBangThemes team create sections within their MeisterTask boards, specifically for ideation: One of my favorite customized sections on our shared project board is titled “Building the future”. In this section, everybody can add their ideas for certain features, products, or functionalities that should be added but arent yet planned.Alex, BigBangThemes Founder Integrating Client Feedback Throughout The Project Within their “Building the future” project section, the team also compile ideas and feedback from their clients, for the team to incorporate into future updates. In order to ensure all client feedback will be considered within their monthly sprints, the BigBangThemes team use the Zendesk integration for MeisterTask.   Via the integration, all feedback is sent directly to the relevant MeisterTask project board. The tickets are then created as tasks for consideration, meaning no client input will be lost or forgotten. The Outcome: Deadlines and Valuable Ideas are Never Missed Alex shares that using MindMeister and MeisterTask to refine strategy and plans, and then turn these ideas into action, has made a big impact on the organization of their distributed team: I can definitely tell you that since integrating MeisterTask into our workflow, we’ve never missed a deadline and have also massively improved our products.Alex, BigBangThemes Founder It’s just so extremely easy to log an idea and discuss it later,” Alex explains. “This way you avoid forgetting to add these small but very useful features to your project while ensuring that  all product deadlines are met.” At MeisterLabs, we’re always excited to hear about the positive impact that  MindMeister  and  MeisterTask  are having on businesses. For more information on the work of BigBangThemes, visit their website. If you have a story to share about the impact that MindMeister and MeisterTask have had on your business, we’d love to hear from you! To get in touch about being featured in a success story on our blog, drop Olivia an email at  olivia (at) meisterlabs (dot) com Save 30% on MindMeister MeisterTask Pro Get the MeisterBundle 30% off Get the MeisterBundle

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Enlightenment Karl Marx and Max Weber - 3163 Words

The Enlightenment The 17th century was torn by witch-hunts and wars of religion and imperial conquest. Protestants and Catholics denounced each other as followers of Satan, and people could be imprisoned for attending the wrong church, or for not attending any. All publications, whether pamphlets or scholarly volumes, were subject to prior censorship by both church and state, often working hand in hand. Slavery was widely practiced, especially in the colonial plantations of the Western Hemisphere, and its cruelties frequently defended by leading religious figures. It was inevitable that sooner or later many people would begin to grow tired of the repression and warfare carried out in the name of absolute truth. In addition though†¦show more content†¦Marx seen the economy as the basis of society and called this the infrastructure, he saw the institutions of society such as the political system, the education system, the mass media, religion and even family as developing out of the economic system which he called the superstructure which was shaped by the base (infrastructure), the means of production (everything required to produce), machines, factories, land and raw materials all owned by the bourgeoisie. The Marxist theory of historical materialism understands society to be determined by the relationships which people enter into with one another to fulfill their basic needs, for instance to feed and clothe themselves and their families. In general Marx identified five successive stages of the development of these material conditions in Western Europe. †¢ Primitive communism- early human societies (hunter gatherers) †¢ Slavery- considered to be the beginning of class society where private property appears. †¢ Feudalism- monarchy attempts to control the lands of the realm through agreements with regional leaders. †¢ Capitalism- an economic system based on private ownership of capital †¢ Socialism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital and derives its wealth through exploitation. Marx saw that each stage or epoch created a new class or invention that wouldShow MoreRelatedKarl Marx And Max Weber1174 Words   |  5 Pagesfactors that compose society and the myriad of ways in which it functions. Karl Marx along with Émile Durkheim and Max Weber were the pioneers that are credited as being the founders of classical sociology. They were the first ones to thoroughly examine the complexities of society and create theories for them. The theoretical frameworks and research methodologies created by these sociologists were products of the enlightenment and are still studied and widely respected by scholars to this day. AlthoughRead MoreThe Theoretical And Methodological Perspectives Of Radicals Karl Marx And Friedrich Engels1162 Words   |  5 Pages In the comparison of the theoretical and methodological perspectives of radicals Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, with the more liberal teachings of Emile Durkheim and Max Weber, there must be an understanding that essentially they were all intellects of the period of the Enlightenment. The philosophical basis of the Enlightenment was that human beings are substantially perfectible. This meant that human beings could be taught things and that there was never an end to the capacity of what couldRead MoreSocial Stratification1349 Words   |  6 Pagesstratification is vertical hierarchical arrangement which differentiate people as superior or inferior. Societies are stratified in three ways which are,1) Social Class; 2) Racial and Ethnic stratification; and 3) Gender. 1) Social Class: According to Karl Marx, Class society is based around a primary line of division between two antagonistic classes, those who owns the means of production and those who do not own. Comer added to it in 1978 â€Å"Social Class implies having or not having the following: individualRead MoreKarl Marx And Max Weber1486 Words   |  6 PagesBoth Karl Marx and Max Weber assert that capitalism is the dominion of abstractions and the irrational accumulation of abstract wealth for the sake of wealth. For Marx, the state of capitalism is entrenched in the social classes to which people have bben assigned. Capitalism, according to Marx, is a result of the bourgeoisie s ascent to economic and political power. This fuels the manifestation of a system that exploits the labour power of the lower socioeconomic classes for the gain of the higherRead MoreModernity and Classical Sociology Theory Essays1855 Words   |  8 Pagesto say? Modernity takes out the old and brings in the new , continually upgrading to something else? Modernity appears as a concept of change. It most commonly refers to the social conditions, processes, and discourses resulting from the Age of Enlightenment. The concept of modernity captures the progress of societies, from primitive civilizations, which evolved gradually through discrete stages, reaching a modern age characterized by industrialization and capitalism, concluding in the current, post-modernRead MoreThe Rise Of Capitalism : Karl Marx2134 Words   |  9 PagesKarl Marx is the first in a series of 19th and 20th century theorists who started the call for an empirical approach to social science. Theorizing about the rise of modernity accompanied by the decline in traditional societies and advocating for a change in the means of production in order to enable social justice. Marx’s theories on modernity reveals his beliefs of modern society as being influenced by the advancement of productive forces of modern industry and the relationships of production betweenRead MoreMax Weber And Karl Marx2003 Words   |  9 Pagesas sociologists and philosophers. Despite a vast amount of sociologists contributing to our development of social thought over time, I’m particularly interested in the work of Max Weber and Karl Marx. Both theorist’s theories co-inside and take on an interesting partial Marxist perspective on society and social thought. Weber, a German sociologist, philosopher and political economist born in 1864 is one of the best philosophers to explain the theory of the economic system of capitalism. He had a wideRead MoreThe Key Ideas of the Enlightenment Essay1865 Words   |  8 PagesThis essay will be examining the key concepts of the ‘Enlightenment’ also known as â€Å"The Age of Reasonâ€Å" that occurred from the 16th and 17th century, before considering the manner in which it helped to shape the sociological view on societies and how it has linked to the birth of sociology. Before doing so I will give a brief historical context. All the profound questioning that emerged during the Enlightenment came out of the undermining of the old Catholic authority over all social truth thatRead Morefactors that contributed to the rise and development of sociology1511 Words   |  7 Pagesoppressed and exploited by the capitalists in the sense that both adults and children worked for long hours and were given low wages. Classical sociologists such as Karl Marx (1818-1883) were attracted to the study of society due to the unfair system of the capitalist economy that had been brought by the industrial revolution in Europe. Marx condemned the industrial societies and gave alternative models of society such as socialist and communist societies. As a result, it is wise to assert that societalRead MoreThe Enlightenment : The Age Of Reason1126 Words   |  5 PagesThe Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Reason, was an important period in the history of Western Civilization during the 17th and 18th centuries - a time of so cial turmoil where societies were divided between social groups and struggled for freedom, equality and democracy (Seidman, 2008: 6). This time gave rise to remarkable social thinkers, known as Enlighteners, who pioneered a new science of society (Seidman, 2008: 5). These highly educated Enlighteners believed the world could be rationally

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Social Networking Is A Popular Form Of Communicating With...

A Social Disaster Social networking is a popular form of communicating with friends around the corner and around the world. It has become the most popular form of communication, even above the phone and texting. For a lot of people social networking is a new concept and it can be hard to understand why so many kids or young adults have this new growing addiction for social sites. The easiest way to understand social networking is to think of it like high school. You had friends in school, and you knew quite a few people even if you weren t friends with all of them, but it s likely that you didn t know everyone. If you ever moved to a new school, or if you can imagine moving to a new school, you start out with no friends. After†¦show more content†¦Parents should educate themselves further before allowing their kids to have access to something that has the potential of being dangerous. Online sites are not only a problem while they are in use but the information they are sharing now may one da y come back and haunt them down the line. â€Å"Once data is stored online, it can be accessed from any Internet-connected computer† (Marshall). Adolescence should not be exposed to the social networking world in order to protect them from cyber bulling, strangers, health problems and from being overly exposed at too young of an age. Privacy is one of the major concerns when it comes to social networking sites. A lot of kids do not understand the dangers that can come from social networking sites. People do not really understand that once something is shared online, that information can be harmful if it seems to be inappropriate, â€Å"Though there is nothing inherently unethical about the use of social networking sites, publicly sharing unprofessional content or excessive personal information may be compromising for professionals† (Gilman 535). Users put a lot of their personal business on their sites for everyone to view. Even if they think it is harmless, the littlest information can take a bad turn. People are able to see exactly where you are and who you are with, people can even hack into someone’s account and begin to collect confidential information. Because social networks do not

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Comparison in Anthem Free Essays

ANTHEM In Ayn Rand’s Anthem, the story of Equality 7-2521 and the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden can be compared and contrasted in many different ways. Two of those are their similarities and differences. They include both personal and behavioral similarities as well as personal and behavioral differences. We will write a custom essay sample on A Comparison in Anthem or any similar topic only for you Order Now They will be stated in the following paragraphs. There are similarities between Equality 7-2521 and Adam. They were both born with a natural curiosity. The curiosity caused them to do something that was explicitly forbidden. This led Equality 7-2521 to rediscover something that was wiped from human memory for a great length of time as stated on page 52: â€Å"We, Equality 7-2521, have discovered a new power of nature. And  we have discovered it alone, and we alone are to know it. † (Rand 41)He attempted to share his discovery but was rejected and scorned. Adam’s curiosity led him to eat the â€Å"forbidden† fruit from the tree from the center of the Garden of Eden. This action caused his banishment from the Garden of Eden. What they both committed was considered by the governing authority to be sins. Equality 7-2521 was forced to run away because he dared to have an independent mind. Adam was forced out of Eden because he did not obey God. Also†¦ They were condemned for committing a great â€Å"sin. † The â€Å"sin† was disobeying a godlike authority. Equality and Adam both obtained information that was forbidden by the authority that governed them. Equality obtained forbidden information through secretly studying information on the time before the Great Rebirth, rediscovering electricity and creating a piece of electrical equipment. The World Council banned such actions so when he tried to convince the Council of Scholars, they threatened to report him and destroy his discovery as stated on 72: â€Å"You shall be burned at the stake,† said Democracy 4-6998. â€Å"No, they shall be lashed,† said Unanimity 7-3304, â€Å"till there is  nothing left under the lashes. † And page 74: â€Å"This thing,† they said, â€Å"must be destroyed. †Ã‚  And all the others cried as one: â€Å"It must be destroyed! â€Å"(Rand 41) He was forced to run deep into the uncharted forest where he hid. Adam obtained the forbidden information through eating the â€Å"forbidden† fruit from the tree at the center of Eden. He gained knowledge of many things that were forbidden by God. As a result, he was banished from Eden. The similarities have been stated although†¦ There are also differences between Adam and Equality 7-2521. One is the sin they committed. Equality 7-2521 committed the sin of individual thought. He dared to live, think and love for himself. He also rediscovered electricity by himself, which was considered evil because he didn’t work with the rest of his â€Å"brothers† as stated on page 73: â€Å"So you think that you have found a new power,† said Collective  0-0009. â€Å"Do you think all your brothers think that?   Ã¢â‚¬Å"No,† we answered. â€Å"What is not thought by all men cannot be true,† said Collective   0-0009. â€Å"You have worked on this alone? † asked International 1-5537. â€Å"Yes,† we answered. â€Å"What is not done collectively cannot be good,† said International 1-5537. †(Rand 41)Adam committe d the sin of disobedience. He ate the â€Å"forbidden† fruit when God specifically told him not to. As a result, he was banished from the Garden of Eden. Another difference is how they reacted after they left their residence. When Adam was banished, he did not seek revenge against God. He decided to continue living as normally as possible. Equality 7-2521 on the other hand, decided to start a new society that permits individual thought and makes it his goal to tear down the society he lived in and raze the city he lived in to the ground. In conclusion, Equality 7-2521’s story is some that can be easily compared and contrasted with the Expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. This essay summarized their similarities and differences. There are many other ways to compare and contrast Adam and Equality 7-2521 that are not written in this essay. They may be in a different one. Works Cited Rand, Ayn. Anthem: Student Edition Toronto: Signet, 1995. How to cite A Comparison in Anthem, Essay examples

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Music During the French Revolution free essay sample

They didnt have any electric Instruments In those times. That means that the most common kind of Instruments were copper instruments, flutes, violins drums etc. Most of the times they were all used together to form an orchestra. A composer, the person who invents the pieces of music, which you call a composition, had to use all those instruments to create a harmony between them. Classical music is really elegant. One of the things that you could say is that the rhythm Is less clear. You wont hear big drums all the time. Different subjects: when you hear a couple of songs on the radio, they will be singing about romance or other dally life Issues. Well you could guess what the music In the French revolution was mostly about, about the revolution of course. The mostly tried to convert the war into the music, if there werent voices in the composition. We will write a custom essay sample on Music During the French Revolution or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But if there were, they would be signing about freedom, and about that you should protest and go to war. Uses of music: There were of course normal artists and composers during the French evolution.But what really Impressed the pheasants were the compositions who were made by famous composers, not just for fun. But because the revolutionaries like the Jacobin friendly forced them to compose them. Most music was used as a weapon, as a pivot for a cantilever to win the revolution. Did it work as well as I mentioned a moment ago? Maria will continue the story for us. Did It change modern Music? As you may know almost everything leaves its traces behind, its markings. Classical music in general is still a well known and worldwide heard genre.Parts of This genre is still used by a lot of rock bands. With that I mean some lyrics, melodies and overall themes. As a example, here on the left side I have a famous from the French revolution, and notice how the album cover Is almost identical. There are a lot of melodies that still exist In our Lifeless, like fur else, It Is still worldwide known and many was originally the song of Marseille. It depends who you are, but classical music, in general. Left its influences on people and their music. CONCLUSION:There were no electric instruments, they most of the time performed in a Orchestra, that they didnt sing about love too much. The most common subject was the revolution of course. And also that music was used to convince people, to protest, to keep protesting, so it did play an important role in the revolution. Modern music is different than classical, but is still influenced by it, Just if you listen to some songs. You might find a violin, or a trumpet. Some rock bands even use a orchestra in their songs. And some melodies are still known world wide.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Literacy Strategies to Use in Lessons for Struggling Readers

Literacy Strategies to Use in Lessons for Struggling Readers In many districts, students with reading difficulties are identified in the primary grades so that remediation and support can be given as early as possible. But there are struggling students who may need support in reading throughout their academic careers. There may be struggling readers who have entered a district in the later grades when the texts are more complex and the support services less available. Extended remediation for these groups of struggling readers can be less effective if the strategies that are chosen limit a students creativity or choice. Remediation with structured lessons that repeat the same material will result in less content covered by the students. So what strategies can the classroom teacher use to teach these struggling students who cannot read to access the content? When a text is critically important, teachers need to be purposeful in selecting literacy strategies for a content lesson that prepares struggling readers for success. They need to weigh what they know about the students with the most important ideas in the text or content. For example, a teacher may determine that students need to make inferences from a fiction text to understand a character or that students need to understand how a map illustrates how rivers are important to settlement. The teacher needs to consider what all students in the class could use in order to be successful and then balance that decision with the needs of the struggling reader. The first step could be to use an opening activity where all students can be engaged successfully. Successful starters An anticipation guide is a lesson opening strategy meant to activate the students prior knowledge. Struggling students, however, may lack prior knowledge, particularly in the area of vocabulary. The anticipation guide as a starter for struggling readers is also meant to build interest and excitement about a topic and give all students an opportunity for success. Another literacy strategy starter could be a text that all students, regardless of ability, can access. The text must be related to the topic or objective and can be a picture, an audio recording or a video clip. For example, if inferences are the objective of a lesson, students may fill in thought bubbles on photos of people in response to What is this person thinking? Allowing all students access to a common text that has been selected for equal use by all students for the lessons objective is not a remediation activity or a modification.   Prepare vocabulary In designing any lesson, a teacher must select the vocabulary that is necessary for all students to meet the goal for the lessons objective rather than attempt to try to fill in all the gaps in prior knowledge or ability. For example, if the objective of a lesson is to have all students understand that a rivers location is important developing a settlement, then all students will need to become familiar with content specific terms such as port, mouth, and bank. As each of these words has multiple meanings, a teacher can  develop pre-reading activities to familiarize all students before reading. Activities can be developed for vocabulary such as these three different definitions for  bank: The land alongside or sloping down to a river or lakeAn institution for receiving, lendingTo  tip  or  incline  an  airplane Another literacy strategy comes from the research that suggests that older struggling readers can be more successful if high-frequency words are combined in phrases rather than isolated words.  The struggling readers  can practice words from Frys high-frequency words if they are purposefully placed for meaning placed into the phrases, such as a hundred ships  pulled  (from Frys 4th 100-word  list). Such phrases can be read aloud for accuracy and fluency as part of a vocabulary activity that is based in a disciplines content. In addition, a literacy strategy for struggling readers comes from Suzy Pepper Rollins book Learning in the Fast Lane.  She introduces the idea of TIP charts, used to introduce a lessons vocabulary. Students may have access to these charts that are set up in three columns: Terms (T) Information (I) and Pictures (P). Students can use these TIP charts to increase their ability to engage in accountable talk in expressing their understanding or summarizing the reading. Such talk can help develop the speaking and listening  skills of struggling readers.   Read aloud A text can be read aloud to students at any grade level. The sound of a human voice reading a text may be one of the best ways to help struggling readers develop an ear for language. Reading aloud is modeling, and students can make meaning from someones phrasing and intonation when reading a text. Modeling good reading helps all students while it provides access to the text being used. Reading aloud to students should also include think-aloud or interactive elements. Teachers should focus intentionally on the meaning â€Å"within the text,† â€Å"about the text,† and â€Å"beyond the text†   as they read. This kind of interactive read aloud means stopping to ask questions to check for understanding and allowing students to discuss meaning with partners. After listening to a read aloud, struggling readers can contribute the same as their peers in a read-aloud.   Illustrate understanding When possible, all students should have the opportunity to draw their understanding. Teachers can ask all students to summarize the lessons â€Å"big idea† or major concept can be summarized. Struggling students can share and explain their image with a partner, in a small group, or in a gallery walk.They may draw in different ways: To add to a pictureTo create an original pictureTo draw and label a pictureTo draw and to annotate a picture Literacy strategy matches objective Strategies used to support struggling readers should be tied to the lessons objective. If the lesson objective making inferences from a fiction text, then a repeated read aloud  of the text or selection of the text can help struggling readers to determine the best evidence to support their understanding. If the lesson objective is explaining the impact of rivers on developing a  settlement, then vocabulary strategies will provide struggling readers with the terms needed to explain their understanding.   Rather than try to address all of the needs of a struggling reader through modification of remediation, teachers can be purposeful in lesson design and selective in their choice of strategy,   using them individually or in a sequence:   starter activity, vocabulary prep, read-aloud, illustrate. Teachers can plan  each content lesson to offer access to a common text for all students. When struggling readers are given the chance to participate, their engagement and their motivation will increase, perhaps even more than when traditional remediation is used.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Dissertation Checklist What to Do When Your Work Is (Nearly) Due

Dissertation Checklist What to Do When Your Work Is (Nearly) Due Dissertation Checklist: What to Do When Your Work Is (Nearly) Due Big dissertation deadline approaching? Hopefully, you have a draft you’re happy with and it’s time to get your dissertation ready for submission. But what do you need to do in these last days? Check out our dissertation checklist for three key steps in preparing your final piece of work. 1. Check Your Style Guide When you’ve finished redrafting, the first thing to do is reread your style guide. This should contain everything you need to know about how to present your work, including: What to include on a title or cover page. Whether to include a dedication or acknowledgements. The length and style of the abstract. How to format the table of contents. Whether to include a list of abbreviations. How to format the document (including page margins, tables, figures, illustrations, footnotes, endnotes, and the text of your dissertation itself). The referencing style you should use. The maximum word count and which sections count towards it. You’ll then need to double check that your dissertation follows these rules as closely as possible. 2. Proofread Carefully After making any final changes, make sure to proofread your dissertation one last time. Your focus here will be looking for typos and other minor errors to ensure that it is 100% error free. You may want to ask someone else to check your writing for you at this point (we’re always available). But if you do need to proofread your own work, try using the following tips: Read slowly and carefully, taking regular breaks as required. Print your dissertation out and check it on paper. Start at the end and work backwards through each chapter. Read problematic passages out loud. Look for different types of error individually (i.e., start out checking the punctuation, then the grammar, then the spelling, etc.). These tips should help you keep your concentration while proofreading. 3. Preparing to Submit Finally, when you have an error-free manuscript you can be proud of, you need to check your college’s guidelines for submitting a dissertation. This will usually include preparing: One print copy of your dissertation, professionally bound. One digital copy of your dissertation, typically in PDF form. Make sure to leave enough time before the deadline to get these ready. Your college should be able to recommend a local binding business for the print copy (or offer binding on campus). And you can export a document as a PDF file via Microsoft Word itself. Summary: Dissertation Checklist If you have a dissertation deadline coming up, make sure to tick off the steps on our dissertation checklist. These include: Reread your style guide to make sure that your dissertation follows it. Check your writing for typos (or have a professional do it for you). Read your college’s guidelines on preparing your dissertation for submission (this will usually involve creating one printed and bound version and one electronic version). And once you’ve submitted, we suggest taking a few days off to relax before preparing for your oral defense. Well done on getting this far, and let us know if we can help you over the finishing line.

Monday, February 17, 2020

The gender communication connection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The gender communication connection - Essay Example Even though men and women can fell in love as they enter into a relationship, there will always be a difference between the two sexes which could result to relationship and miscommunication problems. As a way of expressing love with the opposite sex and/or the individual reactions when people undergo emotional, physical, and mental stress, Men and women in general are using different conversation style. Because of the differences in the use of communication techniques, a person can unintentionally send a wrong signal to their counterparts. To enable the readers to fully understand the differences between the two sexes, Gray (1992) decided to use metaphor as a way to simplify the identification of conflicts that may occur between a man and a woman. After having analyzed and identified the major differences between both gender such that men prefers to hide in a cave while women talk when both sexes undergo major life problems aside from the diferent communication styles used by men and women among others which are presented in chapters 1 – 8 (pp. 1 – 143), the author provided the readers with some recommended solutions on how to enable men understand women more and vice versa on chapters 9 – 13 (pp. 165 – 307). I strongly agree that there is a huge difference between the way men and women communicate with one another or how they perceive things in general. However, the use of metaphor concept such as describing ‘men from Mars and women from Venus’ can mislead some of the readers in terms of its being able to capture the real essence of the topic. For example: With regards to the issue of giving comfort, men and women cannot be literally classified as someone from Mars and Venus since both men and women can be comforted when a person listens to him/her talk, showing sympathy when necessary, and/or when receiving some advice from other people given that

Monday, February 3, 2020

Some Aplication of Mechanical Engineering Term Paper

Some Aplication of Mechanical Engineering - Term Paper Example Mechanical engineering demonstrates its diversity in solving various challenges as mechatronics shows by providing a platform where sensors, actuators, signaling, electrical control, algorithms alongside computing assistance to provide stability to various connectivity needs in engineering systems. Apparently, the root of the name originates from mechanical and electronics, which implies that both phases of intervention towards solving specific challenges are crucial in the design of engineering products. Four main systems are managed in mechatronics namely, information, mechanical, computer and electrical, to provide a composite application in which mechanical engineering is put to test. Commonest application designs for mechatronics include home security applications, implant devices, jet engines, robotics, antilock brake, and intelligent highways among many more designs. The basic applications in this category appears to be and structural control (Bolton, 1995). To this end, the m echatronics aspect of mechanical engineering is considered key in industrial and semi-conductor revolutions as discussed below. Massive mechanical energy utilization fueled he industrial revolution that shaped the human civilization and introduced unprecedented differences to quality of life. Mechanical engineering designs formed the bulk of the industry that was rapidly taking shape from astronomical demand for energy to power the revolution. Gears and levers were among the commonest components of the mechanical engineering designs. Other components utilized in the revolution included cams and linkages that assisted in reduction of power demand and inefficiency incurred. Improvements towards the later stages of the revolution introduced mechatronics components that integrated electrical enhancement for the engineering designs (Fukuda, Harshama and Tomizuka, 1996). Learning from the potential that electronic enhancement could bring to mechanical designs, the world was prepared to

Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Status of Women in Islam

The Status of Women in Islam There are many things in the current scenario and talks of the days which highlighted the many facets of sociological aspects that give emphasis to women empowerment and their status in the society. As we are aware, and when we relate back to history of women and their status, we often come across the scenario in which many societies across the globe do give little relevance as far as women right are concerned. That is to say the right of women and their status in the society is concerned to be precise; although women have always been the benchmark in any given society. Moreover, scholars have also argued that the worth and relevance of any given society can significantly be judged from the position that it gives to women in particular. (Singh) This is true and presents some good food for thoughts to begin with. Either in Indian, Islamic or English society, each one of it has a lot of things that defines the many facets of women and their role in particular. Women role is also very important and presents the many facets of the society and its dimensional outlook, which is why the subject matter that arises also emphasizes on the facts encompassing women status in Islamic world. But what is Islamic world? To begin with, tracing the historical relevance of Islam there is point to note that just after the death of Prophet Mohammed, the religion and cultural dimension of Islam spread like wildfire. Islam as a religion is emancipating in a sense, and its influence in many cultures around the world also cannot be sided apart. The spread of Islam in three continents of the world also has many interesting stories to relate. (Anonymous) Together with it, fact of the matter is that Islam and its status today as a religion are emphasized as the second largest religion, next only to Christianity. (World religions: Islam: The second largest world religionand growing.) Given that status in contention, the question of its cultural dimension also arises, that is to say the status of women in Islamic world. But what is important to note is the fact that Islam as a religion posit the many salient feature and relevance that emphasis on the equality, fraternity and stands against any ethnic or racial discrimination, and people from any background and social standing are welcomed with open hands. (Anonymous) Keeping in contention this historical insight of Islam, we feel that discrimination as far as the fairer sex is concerned also is less. This is in part based on speculation and part on the belief that women are always given high due and honorable place in the Islamic society. However, the sad state of affairs is that the stereotypes that women faced in the patriarchal society are very demeaning to begin with when we relate back to the time gone by. Stereotyping always happens and is a reality as far as women and their status are concerned. However, the tide in that regard is heading in the right note these days, given that role of women in any given society is very significant and present a whole lot of new world and meaning. The emancipation of women happened with a great cause to liberate women to say so literally by women rights groups and feminist. Although as a sociological phenomenon, issue encompassing women status in Islam has raised many debates and conception also arises either from the fact that perception and people understanding of Islamic were wrong and prejudiced in a sense. (Yahya, 2010) This is what we emphasize to bring into fore the subject matter discussion that should relate a lot about the status of women in the Islamic world, which is discussed below in brief. Subject Matter Issue and Purpose The very first question that arises as far as the subject matter goes is whether there has been a place for women in the Islamic society? Speculating to this thought we feel that women status and influence of Islam are interlinked and presents many significant points to relate the characteristic that are relevant. To begin with the issue and its discussion at hand, we feel that the eminence that Islam identified with women folks or the fairer sex also traces a place in the holy book the Quran, that directly states the relationship between man and women in context of Gods commandments. (Yahya, 2010) Thus, it should be defined herein that the subject matter research of this report in brief is to relate the many significant aspects of women status in Islam, then, now and in the times to come, especially from comprehending the many relevant scenario that trace its place in women rights, their empowerment and all in the between the point that concerns with the status of women in Islamic world. However, we take a step to discuss in that regard, we feel that a debate in context of Islam and women in the Islamic society also should be noted again, as one point to trace the significant characteristic of Islam and the speculated prejudiced that registers with people and wrong impression of women status in Islamic society, which is as follows. Islam and Women: The Ideal Combination? This is one point of the subject matter contention that should concern any given society and religion, and not Islam only. However, given the subject matter, we feel that only the salient characteristic and dimensional foreground of Islam and women in Islam should be noted, so as to derive a clear and significant understanding to the subject matter discussion. What is important to note in that regard can be compared and contrasted between women before Islam and after. That is to say in simple meaning of the term the direct realization of women and Islam in particular. Scholars and learned men over the ages have emphasized is the facts that Islam as a religion then and now have always gives importance to the correct Islamic behavior that are required of Muslim women in order to preserve their women characteristics as far as modesty is concerned. (Qaradawi, 1999) Modesty as far as the fairer sex goes is very crucial facet of any given behavior that is expected. Add to it, scholastic impression is also of the opinion that the revelation from the Quran also posits many important points to note the factor concerning men and women relationship, which is an exemplification of women status and their eminence. (Qaradawi, 1999) As far as Islam and its essence goes again in context of women status, the important point to note is that in all respect Islam demonstrate the equality of race, gender and social status, which in any point of the arguments also signify the real essence as to the factor encompassing the ideal combination that women are accorded towards. Take for example the facts of the matter in which Islam as a religion brought into force awareness of women rights, their role and responsibility, apart from the identity and personality that defines the many fabrics of their independence and moral obligations. (Anonymous, Status of Woman in Islam) This point in what we feel presents a significant justification of the subject matter arguments. In that understanding of the term, we feel that Islamic setup is an ideal world for women. And Islamic women since the historical times have always held these recognition with high regards and the obligations that comes with it. That is why we feel that Islam as a religion and its recognition of women role, and their status is an ideal combination. Women Rights and Duties within the Religion of Islam As per the Quran, there is every factor that reveals the facts and its sermon in particular that full justice should be given to the status of women in direct contention of the point between men and their relationship with women in the society. In that respect the idea of Islam then and now also emphasis the facts and suggest to some extent the equality of rights, that is to say the responsibilities accorded to men and women and most importantly the duties that both men and women are regarded for. (Yahya, 2010) For the better part, as we relate to the subject matter study many insight from the Quran also presents a great definition about the status of women in the Islamic society. That is to say, as par Islamic modes and the conventional features of it also cannot be sided apart. Together with it the status of women and their role within the religion of Islam present a complex relationship between men and women, however, there are great many significant features which demonstrate the facts that the Quran and Islamic text also give a clear definition of the right and duties of women in the Islamic society. Take for example the modesty and decency in any given arrangement which Islamic women displays, which make us think at times is one factor and the highest achievement for humanity and its cause in all its essence. (Anonymous, Status of Woman in Islam) Thus in that regard, the ideal Islamic women as per Islamic notion of the term is one who is aware of her modesty, and most importantly understands the values of being a women in behavioral fronts and how to preserve it. For the better part, there are instances that can be related from the Quran which is exemplified by Imam Qaradawi, who noted that lowering the gaze in one factor that defines the most important feature of women characteristics. Lowering the gaze as per the Quran extract signify the fact that it is a sheer display of modesty and that which is one crucial and most important ornament of a women. (Qaradawi, 1999) This is one reason and the essence of it that we still see women in Islam today displaying and observing the purdah system. It is important though to differentiate and signify the relevance of purdah system from many objective point of views, especially in context of the Islamic text and the Quran, which states the modest that comes with and that which is expected from women. Hence, with a clear understanding of what women modesty is all about, we feel that there is noting wrong as far as the purdah system goes. But critics today often goes to the extent to exaggerate the matter, which in all matter and subjective debate of it presents some wrongly held notions and misconceptions. For some people it may be not be an ideal combination when it matter to preserve the modesty in Islamic context. The western world conception and speculation making the rounds also is wrongly noted and with all misrepresentation. However, one important point to note again is the fact that good morals that are directly communicated through the Quran are universally compatible in all respect as far as human nature and behavior goes. Together with it, we feel that Islamic notion of women status and their rights also is valid in a sense, traditionally and contemporarily, given that it emphasize the real nature behind all such undertakings, be it the idea of modesty or that which defines that male and female are both equal in deeds and that which also exemplifies the obedience and humble nature that are an exemplification of women right and duties in all respect, (Yahya, 2010) as far as Islamic society and their notion of it goes. The Social Aspect of the Women and Their Roles The role of women in Islamic society is much enhanced to begin with. Accordingly to Islamic law, the role of women in direct contention with male counterpart is equal. One eminent scholars also is quick to point that the the status of woman in Islamic setup posit no foreground that is problematic in a sense. What is significant to point again in that regard is the fact that bear testimonial from the Quran and its extract, which relates that women and their role in the Islamic society is as vital as men, and nothing as such which can be termed as inferior or so in gender assimilation of the case arises. (Abdul-Ati) This bring back into contention the point noted by Harun Yahya, in which it is related that men and women, together with their role and responsibility are equal in term of their tasks as well as the responsibility of rewards for punishments in any given situations. (Yahya, 2010) In fact it should be noted that the historical assimilation of civilization also traces the significance in which it is noted that following the advent of Islam, women of the Islamic societies in particular has a much better and higher social positions and respects. And once again there is no relevance that signifies the point in which it is held that women are looked upon as an object in any capacity. (Yahya, 2010) Fact of the matter is that within the Islamic context, there is no point in which women in Islamic context are looked upon as an object be it as a mother, a child or as a wife or something that is looked upon as the product of the devil and or that which contemplate the seed of the devil. (Abdul-Ati) Women are god creation, so does all men. Thus, the status of women in Islam is something that which we can relate again as unique in matter of its expression and universality of idea that it generates. Together with it, women status is also novel in a sense because there is less similarity that can be derived in any other societal arrangements. (Abdul-Ati) Hence, the Islamic emancipation of women is what we can comprehend to be a factor that is wholly ingrained and traditionally imbedded to enhance the status of women in the society in any given arrangements within the Islamic notion and conception of women status and its idea that we can derived. One factor of it encompasses the facts that Islam brought about a great factor for the emancipation of women in the society, wherein tremendous improvement were initiated for the position of women in the Islamic society, where right and all in between endowing the features of property and all in between were accorded. (Yahya, 2010) Women Status in Islamic World Today Hence, as far as Muslim women and their role in the society today is concerned, there should be enough point to relate their contribution too, apart from being a mother, a wife that comforts her husband or responsibility in faith or any other aspects is as same as that what men professes and designates. (Ikhwan) Thus, there is every factor that should be emphasized again to the factor in which it should be held that understanding the role of Muslim women today is crucial. What we can relate to it is the factor that encompasses to their emancipation in true Islamic sense. That is to say, a woman by all rights should be given a thorough understanding, and not based in misconception and prejudices. Accordingly to Muslim principles, the womens role apart from being a mother and a wife also posits many roles in context of the modern society. Take for example the Islam notion and its assimilation in real essence which permits Muslim women to act upon certain other things that men are accorded. That is to say, women today have the rights to exercise the vote and to engage in political discussion and foster democratic thinking. Apart from it, modern Islamic women also can take up employment or for that can even extend her domains in far reaching grounds such as running her own business. There is not hing wrong in all these features and characteristic. Although the world and its understanding in that regard is all based on the prejudiced and full of misconception. (Anonymous, Understanding the role of Muslim women , 2007) Thus, what we can conclude is that women status in the Islamic world today is a direct example of the abovementioned facts. We can see woman in all background and corporate echelon making their mark, be it as doctor, nurses, teachers and corporate executive. There is nothing wrong in that. Muslim principle also directly supports all these factors. That is a direct retaliation of breaking the gender stereotypes in the modern society, although there is less of it in Muslim world. As highlighted in the BBC News as well, women are in their different role to contribute to the society, especially in Islamic world. Take for example the case in UAE, in which young Islamic women are finding their place in the workplace and standing out from the maddening crowd. Views in that regard when it concern women in the workplace be it as doctor, teacher, or executive bosses also varies. However, one important point to note is that there is no restriction as far as Islamic principles goes towards women and their status, (Sharp, 2005) but a direct exemplification in which it is held that women are accorded equal status in Islamic society. Conclusion Scholars have noted that the right of women in Islamic modern society today were not brought into contention as a matter of voluntary grants or an act of kindness. Although, what Islam have established for women is to emphasize here feminine side and nature that gives full security as a human being and against any disgraceful channel of life and its processes in the modern world that is full with vices and dishonest acts. (Abdul-Ati) Hence, in that capacity, we can conclude that the status of women in the modern society also can be emphasized from many angles that mirror the trends that are catching up. As far as Islamic women role and their contribution to the society today go, it is tremendous. The world has undergone many changes, so does the nature of human behavior. However, Muslim identities of a woman have not been compromised. Yet the best arrangements were made to mirror the essence of woman in Islamic world. That is to say for example the role of women in Islam, which again emphasize in traditional sense the purpose of life. (Anonymous, Status of Woman in Islam) Together with it, the virtue of human being is also one exemplification that ahs a lot to do with what we can define as the virtue that posit among human being and their essence and assimilation of the meaning in it. Take for example the differentiation that are not being accorded between the fairer sex and men in the society as far as Islamic notion of it concern in the modern society today. Thus in all relevance, the virtue of human being in Islamic notion and understanding of the term relates to the fact that men and women have the potentiality to acquire knowledge and its benign. Add to it, the exhibition of such gaiety is one factor that can again be emphasized in context of modern Islamic women and their status, where the spirit of piety and good behavioral and attributes are expected for the identity that Islam has accorded to women. (Anonymous, Status of Woman in Islam) Thus to conclude with, this is one important factor to begin with as we relate to the nature of Muslim woman today and her contribution to some extent that signify their identity and role in the society. The idea of women emancipation also did not happen at an instance, but it took a long historical course and social phenomena to trace all the salient features that identifies with Muslim women today.

Friday, January 17, 2020

James Baldwin vs George Orwell Essay

Both James Baldwin and George Orwell are interested in understanding language as a political instrument. In his essay â€Å"If Black Isn’t a Language, Than Tell Me What Is†, James Baldwin attempts to legitimize Black English as a unique language. He argues that Black English is a valid language because of the role it plays in the lives of Black Americans. It serves as a means for blacks to control their own circumstances, define themselves, and obtain power. Baldwin justifies Black English by applying George Orwell’s argument that language is a political instrument means and proof of power to the Black experience. Baldwin argues, validates and makes language authentic. Both George Orwell and James Baldwin express their opinion that language is directly related to who a person is. They also both state that language is a political instrument and that it is filled with word play. In â€Å"Politics and the English Language† George Orwell states that political writings are characterized by vagueness and incompetence. People rely on metaphors that have lost their meaning and are only used because the writer cannot create his own phrases. Authors no longer think of a concrete object and choose words to describe it. Orwell believed the best fix for the English language was for everyone to be aware of ready-made words and phrases, and instead use simpler words to get your meaning across to the reader. In Orwell’s opinion language is an instrument that reflects culture and evolves as culture declines, while in Baldwin’s view language emerges to fit a socialtal need. It is the connection or â€Å"disconnection† within people.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Great Gatsby And Of Mice And Men - 989 Words

As individuals progress in their daily lives and grow older and older, priorities change and new beginnings are created. For most people, they have an idea in their mind on what they want to accomplish along with how they are going to go about it. The American dream states how any U.S citizen is able to achieve success in any way they believe is best for them, making it clear that there is no right in accomplishing this task. Overall, everyone is equal, hard work, determination, and initiatives are all factors played into as they go about their dreams. Furthermore, in the novels, The Great Gatsby and Of Mice and Men, the authors do a prodigious job representing the many different circumstances of the American dream through the characters and overall plot of the book. The Great Gatsby is a novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald about many diverse characters who live in a town known as West Egg, however not all of the characters enjoy themselves here. Throughout the book, individuals like Jay Gatsby make it clear that they have their own goals for themselves. Turning the page, one after another, you always found Gatsby going about his epitome visualization for his future. He constantly looked back at his past, but used it to more forward to create the best for himself. A great example of when he was doing this was in chapter nine, â€Å"Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrowShow MoreRelatedThe Great Gatsby And Of Mice And Men1405 Words   |  6 PagesIn the novel ‘The Great Gatsby’ and ‘Of Mice and Men’ F Scott Fitzgerald and John Steinbeck respectively explore the complex perspective of the true outcome of the American Dream. Although set within different eras of American society, the extensive failure of dreams throughout both texts shows how the American Dream is destined for annihilation despite the intention of hope and happiness. In its original form the American Dream encapsulated the ideal that ‘equality of opportunity is available toRead MoreAnalysis Of The Great Gatsby And Of Mice And Men850 Words   |  4 Pagessimple: they all have someone looking out for them. The Great Gatsby and Of Mice and Men are two stories set in the early 1900’s. However, they portray 2 diverse perspectives of the lives of those in that era. Fitzgerald, the author of The Great Gatsby, tells about the lavish, extravagant lives of the upper class and how their possessions overtook them. Steinbeck, the author of Of Mice and Men, chronicles the story of 2 impoverished young men and their longing for true friendship. Fitzgerald and SteinbeckRead MoreThe Great Gatsby vs of Mice and Men18 18 Words   |  8 Pagesbe used as a false promise of success. This notion is explored through the texts The Great Gatsby and Of Mice and Men written by F.Scott Fitzgerald and John Steinbeck respectively. The Great Gatsby was first published in 1926. The novel is set in the summer of 1922 and follows the life of Jay Gatsby who tries to get the love of his life back, Daisy Buchanan, through his wealth and social status. Of Mice and Men follows the lives of George Milton and Lennie Small who are migrant farm workers. LennieRead MoreDreaming the Dream in The Great Gatsby, and Of Mice and Men1194 Words   |  5 Pagesdetermination has attracted people from all around the world. Two writers from America’s past, however, have a different opinion on the once-great American Dream. F. Scott Fitzgerald and John Steinbeck have given the public their beliefs on the modern Dream through the novels they have written, The Great Gatsby, and Of Mice and Men, respectively. One novel placed d uring the Great Depression and the other during the Roaring Twenties both illustrate how their author feels about the Dream itself through the useRead MoreCompare And Contrast The Great Gatsby And Of Mice And Men733 Words   |  3 Pagescontinued to believe in their wildest fantasies beyond childhood? The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck explores this idea in distinctive detail. Gatsby looks into a mysterious man’s life in the 1920s and the secrets behind the extravagant parties he threw for all but himself, and his longing for a true love that consumed his sensibility. Of Mice and Men revolves around two peculiar young men in Great Depression era who worked to earn the money they needed to purchaseRead MoreOf Mice And Men And The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1699 Words   |  7 PagesIn Of Mice Men and The Great Gatsby, how do people’s American Dream differ, what do they have in common, and how do people feel about the dreams of others? The American Dream. The idea of fulfilling your life’s dreams, whether to marry, to retire, to buy a house or to fall in love, is a theme commonly shared in both Of Mice Men by John Steinbeck and The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. In Of Mice Men, best friends George and Lennie travel from ranch to ranch in the hope of finally earningRead More The American Dream in Of Mice and Men, The Great Gatsby, Two Kinds, and Sophistication1537 Words   |  7 PagesAmerican Dream in Of Mice and Men written by John Steinbeck, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Two Kinds writer by Amy Tan, and in â€Å"Sophistication† by Sherwood Anderson. Working hard is the key to success. This struggle for success is most commonly called the â€Å"American Dream.† The aspect of the American Dream has been around forever and is often the underlying theme in many pieces of American literature. The theme of the American is especially presented in Of Mice and Men written by John SteinbeckRead MoreA Comparison Of The American Dream In The Great Gatsby1224 Words   |  5 Pagesset belief that is exactly the same for everyone, but that also means that there should not be any limitation on who can accomplish the American Dream. To show evidence of this claim I will use 2 classic novels as examples, The Great Gatsby and Of Mice and Men. The Great Gatsby is a novel set in the roaring 20s, a decade of pop culture, new dance styles and ways to dress. It was a time where people were fighting prohibition and going against moral standards. This time was also called the Jazz Age becauseRead MoreIs It Really A Dream?933 Words   |  4 Page sthis dream. But over time, the idea of this dream has been criticized. In The Great Gatsby and in Of Mice and Men, F. Scott Fitzgerald and John Steinbeck present the idea of searching for the American Dream as ineffectual, only supplying moral corruption and disappointment. In the article The Demise of the 1920s American Dream in The Great Gatsby, the para-graphs discuss diverse cultural elements shown in The Great Gatsby: During the 1920s, the perception of the American Dream was that an individualRead MoreThe Theme Of Money In The Great Gatsby879 Words   |  4 Pagesconsistently expressed throughout two novels, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. Fitzgerald’s novel considers money primarily through the life of a wealthy man who flourishes in life, whose name is Gatsby. On the other hand, Steinbeck’s novel describes the story of two men, who have a limited supply of money and no accomplishments to boast about whatsoever. The Great Gatsby and Of Mice and Men show that great success and quality of life is determined by who