Monday, February 17, 2020

The gender communication connection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The gender communication connection - Essay Example Even though men and women can fell in love as they enter into a relationship, there will always be a difference between the two sexes which could result to relationship and miscommunication problems. As a way of expressing love with the opposite sex and/or the individual reactions when people undergo emotional, physical, and mental stress, Men and women in general are using different conversation style. Because of the differences in the use of communication techniques, a person can unintentionally send a wrong signal to their counterparts. To enable the readers to fully understand the differences between the two sexes, Gray (1992) decided to use metaphor as a way to simplify the identification of conflicts that may occur between a man and a woman. After having analyzed and identified the major differences between both gender such that men prefers to hide in a cave while women talk when both sexes undergo major life problems aside from the diferent communication styles used by men and women among others which are presented in chapters 1 – 8 (pp. 1 – 143), the author provided the readers with some recommended solutions on how to enable men understand women more and vice versa on chapters 9 – 13 (pp. 165 – 307). I strongly agree that there is a huge difference between the way men and women communicate with one another or how they perceive things in general. However, the use of metaphor concept such as describing ‘men from Mars and women from Venus’ can mislead some of the readers in terms of its being able to capture the real essence of the topic. For example: With regards to the issue of giving comfort, men and women cannot be literally classified as someone from Mars and Venus since both men and women can be comforted when a person listens to him/her talk, showing sympathy when necessary, and/or when receiving some advice from other people given that

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